
Pavel Krnáč – On-snow Workshops

1. What’s the Focus -Teaching, Technical, Marketing, etc.

Modern communication technologies for ski teaching and training

2. Specific methods and styles used (interactive, informational, etc.)

Interactive – practical testing of the communication system

3. Characteristics and brief biography of deliverers (demonstrator or educator)

Ing. Pavel Krnáč – Vice President Interski Czech Republic, President Czech Association of Snowsport Instructors (IVSI CZ), many years Methodology and Demoteam leader of Czech Ski Association, member of IVSI Technical Committee, IVSI and IS functionary.

Jaromir Lukáš – Vice President Czech Association of Snowsport Instructors (IVSI CZ), Ski teacher and trainer, designer of the communication system

4. Languages offered – English

5. Minimum and maximum group size – Up to 10

6. Maximum number of groups – 1

7. Number of deliverers per group – 2

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