
On-Snow Workshops

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All on-snow workshops are connected to content delivered during the indoor lectures. On-snow workshops are being offered by every snowsports discipline: adaptive alpine, adaptive snowboard, alpine, cross country, freestyle, snowboard and telemark. On-snow workshops will bring the Learning Connection to life, showcasing how instructor decisions and behaviors are balanced through technical, teaching and people skills to create the ultimate spark for learning.


On-Snow Workshop 1: Alpine Skiing

Teaching Technical Fundamentals: (Focus: Teaching-Technical Skills) Teaching application of Alpine Skiing Fundamentals (presented by Alpine Team demonstrators) offered in English and Spanish, up to 12 participants per group with 1-2 demonstrators depending on number of participants.

  • Technical Skills: Alpine Skiing Fundamentals to develop skill proficiency for different outcomes.
  • Teaching Skills: The new Teaching/Learning model of the Learning Partnership
  • People Skills: Creating an inspiring environment for deeper learning


On-Snow Workshop 2: Alpine Skiing

Teaching Fundamentals: (Focus: Teaching Skills) Experiential Learning versus Experiential Teaching (presented by Alpine Team demonstrators) offered in English and Spanish, up to 12 participants per group with 1-2 demonstrators depending on number of participants.

  • Development of Teaching Fundamentals
  • Creating an experiential learning environment.
  • Decisions and behaviors of the instructor to facilitate learning


On-Snow Workshop 3: Alpine Skiing

People Fundamentals: (Focus: Interpersonal Skills) Creating deeper connections with a wider variety of learners (presented by Alpine Team demonstrators) offered in English and Spanish, up to 12 participants per group with 1-2 demonstrators depending on number of participants.

  • People fundamentals come to life with group dynamics, engagement, motivation and collaboration.
  • Explore this “learned” skill of emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility
  • Create connections for deeper learning.


On-Snow Workshop 3: Snowboarding

Snowboard Fundamentals from Classroom to Snow: (Focus: Teaching) Little kids can learn to snowboard, 3-6-year-old snowboard progression (presented by the AASI Team demonstrators) offered in English. Interactive workshop with local interski ski school children in the Burton Riglet park.

  • AASI and Burton PE program on snow. Come interact with children snowboarding and the AASI Team
  • Snowboarding fundamental skill progression from classroom to snow and Riglet park
  • Depending on children participation, a secondary focus will build fundamentals through board performance and fundamental body movement relationships


On-Snow Workshop 4: Snowboarding

Snowboarding Fundamentals and Board Performance Concepts: (Focus: Technical-Teaching) Practical teaching applications of snowboard fundamentals. (presented by the AASI Snowboard Team) offered in English, interactive presentation with PowerPoint/video, no maximum group size.

  • Board Performance + Fundamental Movements of the body = snowboard fundamentals
  • Enhance practical teaching examples through fundamentals to facilitate deeper learning.
  • This presentation will come to life during the on-snow workshops.


On-Snow Workshop 5: Adaptive Skiing and Snowboarding

Adaptive Fundamentals Across All Disciplines (Focus: Teaching) Apply technical fundamentals to adaptive equipment and teaching and people fundamentals to connect to all students. (presented by Adaptive Alpine and Snowboard Team demonstrators) offered in English. Teach adaptive sports through the Learning Connection. 2 groups up to 12 participants/group.

  • Technical Skills: Fundamental mechanics applied to progression building
  • Teaching Skills: Apply teaching fundamentals to adaptive sports
  • People Skills: Connect with the whole student and all disabilities.


On-Snow Workshop 6: Cross Country Skiing

Cross Country Skiing Fundamentals and Motor Learning: (Focus: Teaching-Learning) Interactive workshop with hands-on learning opportunities. (presented by PSIA Cross Country Team demonstrators) offered in English. 3 groups up to 12 participants/group.

  • Explore Cross Country Skiing Technical Model and Fundamentals for motor learning
  • Block versus random practice, constant versus varied practice
  • Explore “games” approach and Whole-part-Whole approach


On-Snow Workshop 7: Telemark Skiing

Telemark Skiing Fundamentals: (Focus: Teaching technical fundamentals) Apply fundamentals across a broad spectrum of abilities to teach skiing movements. (presented by the PSIA Telemark Team demonstrators) 2 groups up to 12 participants/group.

  • Highlighting and blending Telemark fundamentals to create high-end, diverse skiing.
  • Explore lead change connection to all skiing skills
  • Balance technical, teaching and people fundamental to enhance deeper learning.


On-Snow Workshop 8: Freestyle Skiing and Snowboarding

Fundamentals of Freestyle Skiing and Riding: (Focus: Teaching-Learning) Apply fundamentals to freestyle to enhance skill development in all skiing and riding. (presented by freestyle specialist PSIA alpine and AASI Team demonstrators) offered in English. 2 groups up to 12 participants per group with multi-discipline focus.

  • Highlight and blend specific fundamentals for different skill building outcomes
  • The session lesson: Experiential learning for a deeper learning connection
  • Highlight new Freestyle Technical Manual – release 2016


Support Materials:

  • All Indoor lectures and on-snow workshops will have supporting handouts outlining the content presented.
  • Temporary access to all PSIA-AASI digital manuals will be provided to Interski participants.



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