
Alpine – Indoor Lecture

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One important goal of ”Future.Snowsport” is to get more people to enjoy snowsport and those that already do that, enjoy it even more. So, we as snowsport instructors asked ourselves how we could contribute to that goal.

We started the process by conducting a thoroughly evaluation on how we previously helped others to develop as skiers and what we could improve. This resulted in a lot of insights and an overall wish to create knowledgeable and self-aware snow sport practitioners and instructors. We believe that the more knowledgeable and self-aware you are about something the more you want to do that something. And if you also have the tools and ability to drive your own learning we believe that you are in a good position to enjoy snowsport and develop a lifelong passion for snowsport. Our analysis concluded that we need to improve in three complimentary parts.

Methods for learning
We believe that it is not enough if a person only can perform what we instruct them to do, instead we must make sure that they both can experience the result of the action and that they understand why that action is a good solution. We also need to help them with their self-reflection so they can continue to develop without our immediate assistant. This resulted in the question: Which methods can we use to help someone to become a more knowledgeable and self-aware skier?

Skiing technique
We believe that a complicated view on ski technique, both in regard to what terms/concepts we use and how we communicate ski technique, can be a hinder for the development of the skier. We found that we needed to simplify our view on skiing technique and how we communicate about skiing technique (both with ordinary people and among snowsport instructors). The question we asked ourselves was: How can we simplify our view on skiing techniques and the way we talk about skiing techniques?

Educational material
We believe that how accessible the educational material is, affect how knowledgeable and self- aware people can be. With accessible we mean both how easy it is to get hold of the material and how easy it is to work with the material. We also believe that we need to regularly (each year) update the material, since by using the material we learn how to improve it. So far, we have used ordinary printed books. This resulted in the question: How can we present our education material so it is easy to access and update?

In the lecture I will describe our answers to these three questions. I will also give a little more background and touch upon the challenges in this process.

The lecture will be mostly informational with time for feedback and questions afterwards. The presenter is Jonny Pettersson with many years of experience as a snowsport instructor, educator and examiner of snowsport instructors. The presentation will be held in English and have no limits on group sizes. The presentation will be presented with the help from the use of PowerPoint.

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SNOWBOARD – Indoor Lecture