
Learning Coaching and Self-Directed Learning for Snowsports – Lecture

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Learning Coaching and Self-Directed Learning for Snowsports – We do not teach snowsports, we teach athletes

The concept of self-directed learning has increasingly gained in popularity in the last years. Diverse self-learning skills promote life-long learning and fulfil a variety of different functions, such as e.g., improving self-determination (Siebert: 2009). In comparison to traditional learning concepts, these types of concepts are oriented towards a fundamentally different conception of humans. Proponents of these concepts no longer consider learners as passive, externally guided individuals, but instead as reflected, active and internally guided beings (Konrad: 2008). In the scope of learning theories, self-directed learning is situated between exclusively externally organised learning and self-organised learning. This learning arrangement is characterised by a high degree of autonomy and responsibility on behalf of the learners, who predominantly steer and tailor relevant learning content for themselves (Kovar: 2017). A fundamental argument for self-directed learning is the development of competencies required to deal with novel requirements (Siebert: 2009). Social skills are, for example, learned through group work while promotion of personal autonomy leads to increased personal competencies (Berg: 2006; Konrad: 2008). At the same time, this also results in the development of critical faculties, independence and personal autonomy. The goal of snowsports is the teachers’ ability to design their lessons in such a way that athletes learn to:

1. develop enthusiasm for learning content that they personally consider interesting or relevant,

2. autonomously develop solutions for their learning goals,

3. assess situational factors, such as snow conditions, terrain steepness, visibility etc., and to adapt their descent accordingly.

4. independently select and solve (technical) challenges

5. and autonomously recognise sources of danger. In addition, scholars such as Siebert (2009) assume that self-directed, action- oriented forms of learning approaches, as opposed to systematic, directed forms of instruction, lead to increased motivation. On the basis of these considerations, we will present possibilities of implementing self-directed learning in snowsports. To this end, we will further present suitable methodological aspects and modules for practice.

Literatur: Berg, C. (2006). Selbstgesteuertes Lernen im Team: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Konrad, K. (2008). Erfolgreich selbstgesteuert lernen: theoretische Grundlagen, Forschungsergebnisse, Impulse für die Praxis: Klinkhardt. Kovar, P. (2017). Der Schneesport-Coach. In I. Bach (Hrsg.), Skilauf und Snowboard in Lehre und Forschung (Vol. 24, pp. 79-91). Hamburg: Feldhaus: ASH. Siebert, H. (2009). Selbstgesteuertes Lernen und Lernberatung: konstruktivistische Perspektiven: ZIEL.

2. Welche Methoden werden angewandt ( interaktiv, informell, etc..) Vortrag mit interaktiven Anteilen / Lecture with interactive parts

3. Wer führt den Vortrag durch ( Biographie, Tätigkeit etc.. ) Dr. Peter Kovar (TU Kaiserslautern) staatlich geprüfter Skilehrer/ certified skiing instructor Dozent an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern. Verantwortlich für die Schneesportausbildung und die didaktisch, methodische Ausbildung im Fachgebiet Sportwissenschaft. Lecturer at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern. Responsible for the snow sports training and the didactic, methodical training in the field of sports science.

4. In welcher Sprache wird der Vortrag durchgeführt Deutsch

5. Welche Präsentationstechnik wird verwendet Powerpoint

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