Development of a Simpler and Unified European-wide Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Teaching Concept
Rado Pišot1,2,3, Blaž Lešnik 2,3 Saša Pišot?, Mitja Gerževič 4
1 Institute for Kinesiology Research, Science and Research Centre, Koper, Slovenia, 2 Slovenian Ski Instructor Association, 3 Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; 4 Euro-Mediterranean University, Piran, Slovenia.
In the recent decades, the technological development of alpine skiing and snowboarding (ASSB) equipment, preparation of slopes and artificial snow have dramatically changed the way of skiing and skiing technique, allowing higher velocities and faster changes of direction on a smaller area. Moreover, there are many other new activities that are offered as part of entertainment on the snow. Also, we have been witnessing a surge of globalization and labor flow in winter tourism. All ski centers, and above all skiing schools, certainly show a common interest for better knowledge, safety, enjoyment on the snow, more skiers and, obviously, more work and earnings. There is also the open question of decreased motor skills and functional abilities of pupils nowadays as well as their expectations, depending on gender and age. For all these reasons, the teaching process needs to be adopted and new methods, didactics of teaching as well as the approaches to the contemporary learner must be developed. Both the continuous technological and technical development of ASSB on one hand and on the other the development of increasingly globalized Alpine winter tourism, which is characterized in Europe by free movement of people with different linguistic and cultural knowledge, make the need for the ASSB instructors to expand their knowledge and competences about common basic steps in the process of acquisition of ASSB, different techniques and teaching methods, technical terms in different languages, specifics (peculiarities) of age and cultural diversity of the “new learners.” This could be achieved with a definition of an easier and unified teaching concept, which considers all the above-mentioned issues and offers unified international standards of knowledge that allow for local environment specifics. The concept will reflect in recreational as well as top-level alpine skiing and snowboarding.
Thus, we need to focus on the main objectives as to: i) encourage participation in ASSB, ii) promote education in and through sport with special focus on teachers’ and learners’ skills development, iii) enable a dual career of ASSB athletes, iv) encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in ASSB and v) improve good governance in sport, especially in ASSB. These main general objectives could be achieved through the development and definition of an easier and unified model of teaching ASSB throughout Europe; considering and adapting the learning process of the main or the basic steps in alpine skiing skills acquisition to the age and developmental stage; considering language and cultural diversity / aspects as well as special needs within the increasing diversity of European citizens – the ASSB beginners.
Indoor Lectures
Please answer each question as completely as possible. Use additional pages if necessary.
These answers will be used to assess proposals and group presentations.
1. Focus/Theme -Teaching, Technical, Marketing, etc.
Teaching – didactic; intercultural; Marketing – Alpine, Adaptive, Snowboard
2. Specific methods and styles used (interactive, informational, etc.).
Frontal informational with interactive creative methods – gallery walk, …
3. Characteristics of deliverers (demonstrator or educator)
Educator – researcher, professor
4. Languages offered.
5. Minimum and maximum group size.
Min – 15 Max – no limit
6. Equipment used for lecture (PowerPoint, pad, interactive, etc.)
Power-point – frontal, with blackboards or panels – gallery walk – interactive